Givær island

Heritage Dialogues OPEN Festival Day in Givær is dedicated to small island and coastal communities, livelihoods, rights and climate change. You can find international seminars, exhibitions, films and concerts in the programme. Free of charge. As there are a limited number of places, please pre-register here


Boat from Bodø to Givaer 07.10. The second boat is 12.30 

Boat leaves from Givær to Bodø at 5.20 PM. Last boat from Givær via Fleinvaer to Bodø 20.40 

NB!! Live streaming is not possible due to techincaaal difficulties. We will record everything and air it to you on 6th of September together with comments and additional material and feedback from the participants.

9 -13 International seminar, which is dedicated to small island and coastal communities, livelihoods, rights and climate change. The seminar will be live-streamed.

9.00 Welcome words. Ave Paaulkus, Aarnstein Brekke, Olaug Olsen

9.10 Olaug Olsen "Givaer livelihoods and community"

9.30  Peter Bille Larsen (Denmark/Switzerland) keynote "On the importance of rights-based approaches in heritage management."


9.50 Arnstein Brekke "Givaer island settlement and buildings."

10.10 Inger Unstad "Coastal buildings of Lofoten"

10.30 coffee break

11.00 Steinar Aas "Coastal culture in Nordland. Sustainability and in harmony with the environment."

11.20 Marianne Lehtimäki (Finland) "Enhancing of coastal heritage and livelihood through maritime planning"

11.40 Ave Paulus and Tarvi Velström "Coastal fisheries and heritage conservation in Lahemaa National Park"

12.00 Mihkel Urmet "From seal hunters to seaweed farmers - story of Ruhnu island"

12.20 Ülar Mark "On the future perspectives of coastal settlements."

12.40 Marit Myrvoll "The voices of coastal women in Sør Gjæslingan

13.00 -13.30 lunch

13.30 Eva Bakkeslett on the film "Ahoo Ahoo- folk og ærfugler", Givaer premiere - "Ahoo Ahoo- folk og ærfugler" Eva Bakkeslett

14.00-15.30 Arnstein Brekke. Historical walks on the island

Anne Türn. Light and art installations in eider birds houses

Coffee break

15.30-17.00  Concert in Givaer. The sounds of Nordic islands. Givaer islander Johanne Aurora Olsen, Villu Veski, saxophone (Estonia), Tiit Kalluste, accordion and Kristian Blak, keyboards (Faroe islands), Even Hogseth

Boat leaves from Givær to Bodö at 5.20 PM

20.40 Last boat from Givær via Fleinvaer to Bodö

Heritage Dialogues places are here

Please note that we are not certain can we stream live on 2th and on 4th of August. On these dates Heritage Dialogues will visit Givær and Fleinvær islands off the west coast of Norway where Internet connection is somewhat limited. While we will do our best to offer you live streaming from the events happening on the 2th and 4th of August, it might happen that there will be interruptions, quality issues or a complete blackout.
If live streaming fails we will record everything and air it to you on 6th of September together with comments and additional material and feedback from the participants.


  • Givær Heritage Dialogues Festival Day seminar


  • Givær


  • Givær Heritage Dialogues Festival Day Concert
