
The international  HeritageDialogues week lasts from 29.07 to 4.08 in small coastal villages near Bodø—Givær and Fleinvær islands, Ljønes, and Skjerstad village. Workshops in the coastal villages are dedicated to the synergies of heritage and heritage communities, vernacular architecture, cultural landscapes, and seascapes in the face of climate change. Several concerts, exhibitions, and art installations will be held dedicated to the resilience and beauty of cultural landscapes. Heritage Dialogues is a cooperation project between Norway and Estonia with the involvement of the Nordic-Baltic region. Coastal Heritage Dialogues Festival week is preceded by the Pite-Sami heritage seminar and field trip on 28.07, check here 

During the workshop days, participants share knowledge about heritage communities' heritage values and perspectives. Artists and musicians resonate with the landscapes and histories. The international perspective is given via the Estonian and Nordic-Baltic angle, rights-based approaches and climate justice, holistic community-centred approach to heritage and cultural landscape conservation. International heritage expert participants will work on locally-based solutions for Europe's green transition, focusing on climate justice, buildings, and the resilience of coastal livelihoods. Historical homes and historic cultural landscapes are the core of European identity. The coasts of Europe have been tackling changing climate and severe weather conditions throughout millennia. Following ICOMOS - Europa Nostra Heritage Paper recommendations, HeritageDialogues concentrates on heritage-based climate solutions and climate justice. Artists and musicians resonate with the landscapes and people's values and challenges.

During the open festival days, traditional food made by local people will be served. Public seminars, art events, and concerts will be live-streamed and interactive. Recordings of the events will remain available to the public.

Information for the expert arriving with the flights between 27.07-29.07 and going to Saltstraumen hotel, Ljones and Skjerstad

27.07 arrivals

28.07 arrivals - we have hired an 8-seater bus. Ave (+3725239404) is waiting for you at the airport 19.00 - Villu, Hilkka, Maris, Anneli 

29.07 arrivals and those who stayed in Bodö  we pick  you up at 17.00-17.10  in the train station and 17.20-17.30 in the airport, 18.00 stop at Saltstraumen

There is a possibility of public transport from bodö airport to Saltstraumen, as well, so you can choose when to arrive there


30.07 arrivals - we will pick you up at 20.00 at the airport (Kristian, Tiit, Randi, Tarvi)

29.-31.07 Ljones-Skjerstad workshop. Fjord. Main focus - Coastal buildings and climate change

Monday, 29.07 Arrivals

The bus picks You up at 17.00 in the city and 17.30 in the airport, 18.00 stop at Saltstraumen, then Ljonesgarden and Skjerstad church

19.00 Coffee and lefse in Ljonesgarden

20.30 Concert in Skjerstad Church  -  Sommerfestivalen fra Jonsok til Olsok. Jan Gunnar Hoff, Villu Veski, and many others. concert ticket 400 NOK (included in the daily fee) 

Practicalities - 

Accomodation in Saltstraumen https://saltstraumenhotel.no/en/accomodation/cabins/

Accomodation in Ljonesgarden   https://maps.app.goo.gl/n8Pd7dALF7tJYNRh9

30.07-31.07 Expert Workshop and open seminar on coastal architecture, historical landscapes, climate change, and climate knowledge in Ljønes and surrounding areas. We welcome contributions and presentations on historical and modern wooden vernacular architecture and climate change, energy efficiency and climate footprint of historic homes, historical landscapes and climate goals  

Tuesday, 30.07 Ljønes and site visits

Bus from Saltstraumen at 9.30

10- 16 Field trip on historical buildings and layers of historical landscapes 

17-20 Dinner and roundtable at Ljønes

Bus back to Saltstraumen

Accomodation in Saltstraumen https://saltstraumenhotel.no/en/accomodation/cabins/

Accomodation in Ljonesgarden   https://maps.app.goo.gl/n8Pd7dALF7tJYNRh9

31.07 Heritage Dialogues OPEN Festival Day in Ljones on coastal historical landscapes, architecture, climate change and climate knowledge

Accomodation in Saltstraumen https://saltstraumenhotel.no/en/accomodation/cabins/

Accomodation in Ljonesgarden   https://maps.app.goo.gl/n8Pd7dALF7tJYNRh9

1.08 Expert Workshop on Coastal Heritage in Givær. Our host is the Givær Island community. Discussions on the holistic values of small islands' heritage and seascapes, fishing traditions and communities, and coastal and maritime livelihoods. We welcome presentations and contributions on marine and coastal heritage, livelihoods, histories and rights. 

Morning in Bodø: 10.00 Joar Nango, project Girjegumpi.

Boat to the island (From Bodø 12.30-Givær 13.42)

14.00-18.00 Field trip on the values of Givær island

18.00-20.00  Evening roundtable with musicians and artists in Givær

Home accomodation in Givaer island https://maps.app.goo.gl/78V1uf55aEPqs7Ld9

2.08. Heritage Dialogues open festival day in Givaer  

Boat to Fleinvær 20.45, then to Bodö


3.08.- 4.08.2024 Heritage Dialogues of Nordic-Baltic Coasts. Final Workshop and Concert in Fleinvær Island.  The final workshop is dedicated to coastal heritage communities, rights-based approaches and climate change. Our host is the Fleinvær Island community. 

Boat from Bodø 9.20 to Fleinvær 10.00. From Fleinvær to 17.25-18.15

Accomodation in Fleinvaer island Arctic Hideaway https://maps.app.goo.gl/29zqMBohFpGHYifHA

3.08.2024. Open Workshop and concerts in Fleinvaer island.

4.08 Expert workshop final day. Boat trip around Fleinvær and the islands. Walks on the island. Visits to locals Are Andreassen, Magne Jensen and others.

Boat leaves from Fleinvaer to Bodö 15.25, in Bodö 16.30

Last boat leaves 7.55 PM 


The workshop participation fee 50 euros per day covers catering. Accommodation in the locations is provided by organising parties, 80 euros per night in a twin room. For presenters, accommodation in the twin room is free. Expert workshop participation is limited to 20 experts. Registration is completed with the letter from heritagedialogues@gmail.com https://forms.gle/XbKSBj2mbhPVU3TA8


Ave Paulus and Arnstein Brekke 


Places on the map:  https://maps.app.goo.gl/HC3rdCPVE8DSJFXJ8

29.0-31.07 Ljones Stranda https://maps.app.goo.gl/r4MnB9dNA1C4kL2p6 and Skjerstad https://maps.app.goo.gl/4f4N3XnmfwsewdZ18 

1.-2.08 Givær island https://maps.app.goo.gl/78V1uf55aEPqs7Ld9

and 3.-4.08 in Fleinvaer island Arctic Hideaway https://maps.app.goo.gl/29zqMBohFpGHYifHA


The project is supported by Nordic Culture Point, Sami parliament in Norway, Bodö Kommune, Bodö 2024, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Cultural Ministry of Estonia, European Union