Three Heritage Dialogues Festival days from Festival week are FB live-streamed during 6.09. You can follow the stream on this page from 8.00 to 24.00 Oslo time. See the programme below. Heritage Dialogues OPEN Festival Day in Ljønes was dedicated to coastal historical landscapes, architecture, climate change and knowledge. The expert seminar dealt with historical and modern wooden vernacular architecture and climate change, energy efficiency and climate footprint of historic homes, historical landscapes and climate goals. In addition, there were historical walks and talks in Ljønes, several exhibitions and jazz concerts. Heritage Dialogues OPEN Festival Day in Givær with seminars, exhibitions and a concert took place on the 2nd of August. It was dedicated to small island and coastal communities, livelihoods, rights and climate change.  Heritage Dialogues Open workshop " Coastal Heritage Saves the Future" on community-based heritage and landscape-seascape protection was held in Fleinvaer Island on 4.8. There was a roundtable discussion followed by a small concert.


Heritage Dialogues OPEN Festival Day in Ljønes was dedicated to coastal historical landscapes, architecture, climate change and knowledge. FB live stream of the event will take place on Friday, 6th of September starting at 8.00 Oslo time.
Expert seminar community house dealt with historical and modern wooden vernacular architecture and climate change, energy efficiency and climate footprint of historic homes, historical landscapes and climate goals. In addition, there were historical walks and talks in Ljønes, several exhibitions and jazz concerts.
International seminar on coastal historical landscapes, architecture, climate change and climate knowledge in Kvikstad.
8.00 Welcome by Arnstein Brekke and Ave Paulus
8.07 Arnstein Brekke "Arctic Wisdom in coastal buildings. Past and present."
8.34 Randi Sjølie "Functional and climate-friendly Sami buildings"
8.52 Gisle Jakhelln "Nordland historic houses - challenges of restoration, modernisation and energy demands"
9.12 Even Aursand "Can we cope with the wind?"
9.35 Mari Sand Austigard "Biological degraders, cultural heritage and climate change"
9.55 Hilkka Hiiop, Anneli Randla "Revealing hidden heritage. Challenges in research-based and inclusive conservation.
10.15 Tina Wik (Sweden) "Villa Tvärnö - A sustainable low-energy building based on research"
10.38 Ave Paulus "Historical buildings and coastal heritage in the climate policies of Europe and Estonia"
10.58 Tarmo-Andre Elvisto "Energy efficiency and climate neutrality in historical buildings"
11.23 Elo Lutsepp "Estonian rural heritage homes at the big renovation wave"
11.40 Ahto Raudoja "Climate neutrality of Seto traditional architecture and way of life"
11.57 Ülar Mark "Coastal houses of Estonia - looking for the future"
Historical talk in Ljønes
12.15 Miriam Jensen Tveit on the Ting in the North in the Middle Ages and Ting in Ljønes
Exhibition openings
12.50 Arnstein Brekke " 30 Years of Nordland Heritage Houses project"
13.00 Ahto Raudoja "Seto Tsässonat"
13.10 Bjørg Jakhelln "Jeg fant, jeg fant! Found Objects Reconstructed"
13.13 Arnstein Brekke aabout Ljones Stranda. Anne Türn and Toomas Tuul exhibition "Ad Undas"
13.20 Ljones Stranda barn concert "Nordic Sounds" with Villu Veski, saxophone (Estonia), Tiit Kalluste, accordion (Estonia) Kristian Blak, keyboards (Faroe islands), Even Høgseth, bass guitar (Norway)
 On Friday, 6th of September, there will be a Facebook livestream of the event from 14.30 to 18.00 Oslo time. You can find international seminars, exhibitions, films and concerts in the programme.
This international seminar was dedicated to small island and coastal communities, livelihoods, rights, and climate change.
14.30 Opening words. Arnstein Brekke, Ave Paulus, Olaug Olsen
Olaug Olsen "Givaer livelihoods and community"
15.00 Peter Bille Larsen (Denmark/Switzerland) keynote "On the importance of rights-based approaches in heritage management."
15.30 Arnstein Brekke "Givaer island settlement and buildings."
15.00 Inger Unstad "Coastal buildings of Lofoten"
16.28 Steinar Aas "Coastal culture in Nordland. Sustainability and in harmony with the environment."
17.00 Marianne Lehtimäki (Finland) "Enhancing of coastal heritage and livelihood through maritime planning"
17.22 Ave Paulus and Tarvi Velström "Coastal fisheries and heritage conservation in Lahemaa National Park"
17.43 Mihkel Urmet "Ruhnu island cultural space - fisheries, buildings, algae"
18.10 Ülar Mark "On the future perspectives of coastal settlements."
18.27 Marit Myrvoll "The voices of coastal women in Sør Gjæslingan
18.50 Eva Bakkeslett on the film "Ahoo Ahoo- folk og ærfugler", 19.00 "Ahoo Ahoo- folk og ærfugler" by Eva Bakkeslett
19.25 Concert in Givaer. The sounds of Nordic islands. Givaer islander Johanne Aurora Olsen; Villu Veski, saxophone and Tiit Kalluste, accordion (Estonia); Kristian Blak, keyboards (Faroe islands), Even Hogseth.
Heritage Dialogues Open workshop " Coastal Heritage Saves the Future" on community-based heritage and landscape-seascape protection was held in Fleinvaer Island on 4.8. There was a roundtable discussion followed by a small concert. Facebook live of the discussion and concert will take place on 6.09 at 20.30-23.30 Norwegian time.
20.30 Heritage Dialogues Open workshop " Coastal Heritage Saves the Future." The main topics were how local coastal solutions and livelihoods save the global future, Rights-Based Approaches in the Management of cultural landscapes and Seascapes, and cultural rights. There was a roundtable discussion with small theses by Magne Jensen, Håvard Lund, Christine Myrseth, Jonas Jensen, Arnstein Brekke, Peter Bille Larsen, Ave Paulus, and others.
23.30 Facebook Concert in Fleinvaer: Villu Veski and Kristian Blak